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Poetry? Yeah, I know, I know, but there is a bit of doggerel mixed in, so it isn't all that bad. ;-)

I'll start with one I composed in response to the old aspartame urban legend that goes around periodically, but it is just as appropriate for any of the various "we're all gonna die any minute now" scares that pop up on a regular basis.

An important message from C. Little:

Toxins, toxins, everywhere,
They're in the food we eat!
They're floating in the air we breath,
They're underneath our feet!
That isn't really sugar,
That makes your food taste sweet!

Water, water, everywhere, And not a drop to drink. 'Cause it's full of fluoride, As it's flowing from your sink! Does monosodium glutamate, Really cause your feet to stink?
The ozone layer's getting thin. And with it goes your hair. Can it be coincidence? It really isn't fair! Doesn't anybody listen? Doesn't anybody care?
There's radon in your basement, Asbestos on the roof. There's mercury in the filling, That is sitting in your tooth! Hear me! Hear me! Everyone! I'm telling you the truth!
The power lines hum overhead. Lulling you to sleep. But they really turn your brains to mush, And out your ears they seep! Try not to let that bother you. While you're counting sheep!
It's the additives that are in our foods. That are causing all our pain. 'Cause no one ever did get sick. Before damned aspartame! After all, there has to be, Something we can blame!

This next one was written in the middle of the night, naturally. :-)


I lie
Uncommitted to either state.
Asleep: Too soon the breaking day.
Awake: Too long the night.
I lie.

I lie
Relax! I banish thought.
And breath: Deep, then deeper.
Then ragged-shallow.
I lie.

I lie
What law of irony holds
That it should be such work
To quiet my thoughts?
I lie.

I lie
Seeking aid of Morpheus.
But unruly thoughts give warning
Of Apollo's burden looming.
I lie.

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I hope you enjoy the poems. Please email me with any questions, comments, or suggestions.